Fanlisting Rules

1. You must be a fan of Whistle!.

2. You MUST provide a name, a WORKING email address, and the country you're from. Otherwise I can't add you. Also, please refrain from using names like "Mizuno's #1 fan", "Shige's Gurl", and other such names. Because you are not. Use common sense. No one is going to call you SuGaRBAbeee2837283 on the street.

3. If you have a website, please use one of the graphic links or a text link back to the listing. You may also make your own graphic or text link. If you do, feel free to use the code donation page and I'll get it up :) Do NOT direct link my codes.

4. If any of your information changes, (name, email, website url, country, whatever), please use the update form and let me know so I can update the page accordingly.

5. And I probably should stress this. If you have a site that has adult content on it (Yaoi fanfiction, etc), please, Please, PLEASE make sure everything is marked properly. If you do and have no warnings, your site will not be linked on the members page. Myspace, Facebook, forums and newsgroups (msn groups, yahoo groups) etc, will not be added to the list. Thanks.


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